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Flag for Hungary

Sunrise and Sunset in Hungary

Moon: 12.6%
Waning Crescent
Country: Hungary
Abbreviations: HU, HUN
Capital: Budapest
Time Zones: 1
Dial Code: +36

↑ Sunrise and ↓ Sunset in Hungary (10 Locations)

Budapest↑ 4:49 am↓ 8:35 pmKecskemét↑ 4:49 am↓ 8:30 pmSopron↑ 4:58 am↓ 8:45 pm
Debrecen↑ 4:38 am↓ 8:25 pmKeszthely↑ 4:59 am↓ 8:39 pmSzeged↑ 4:50 am↓ 8:25 pm
Győr↑ 4:54 am↓ 8:41 pmMiskolc↑ 4:39 am↓ 8:30 pm
Kaposvár↑ 4:59 am↓ 8:35 pmPécs↑ 4:58 am↓ 8:32 pm