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May31 Fun Holiday – Macaroon Day

May 31 is Macaroon day, a day to celebrate the unleavened cakes or cookies made of egg whites, sugar, and almond paste or coconut.

Bake a batch of delicious macaroons.


Macaroons are thought to have originated in 9th century Italy.

Coconut and Egg Whites

The original macaroon recipe called for egg whites, sugar, and almond paste. In many parts of the world, including the United Kingdom, coconut is used as the main ingredient of these delicious cakes, instead of almond paste. They can also be topped with jam, chocolate, or fruits in syrup.

Even though macaroons look like cookies, bakers technically classify them as cakes because they do not contain any flour.

Not a Macaron

Oftentimes, macaroons are confused with the colorful macaron. While a macaron is made of similar ingredients - almond flour, egg whites, and sugar, there is a world of difference in the taste, texture, and presentation of the two treats.

How to Celebrate?

  • Learn how to make macaroons. Whip up a batch and share them with your family and friends.
  • Try different variations of the cake, perhaps by adding fruit or chocolate? Or maybe a spice like cinnamon or cardamom?

Did You Know...

...that the word macaroon comes from the Italian word maccarone, meaning paste?

Macaroon Day Observances

Fun Holiday: Macaroon Day Observances
2025SatMay 31Macaroon Day
2026SunMay 31Macaroon Day
2027MonMay 31Macaroon Day
2028WedMay 31Macaroon Day
2029ThuMay 31Macaroon Day
2030FriMay 31Macaroon Day
2031SatMay 31Macaroon Day
2032MonMay 31Macaroon Day
2033TueMay 31Macaroon Day
2034WedMay 31Macaroon Day

See all Fun Holidays

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