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Clock Changes in Baker Island, US Minor Outlying Islands 1933

Last change: 1945
1 hour Back

Sep 30, 1945, 2:00 am

No further time changes in 1933 in Baker Island
Location of Baker IslandLocation

Daylight Saving Time (DST) Not Observed in Year 1933

DST was not in use in 1933.

Which countries & states use DST and which do not?

Other years: 1942 | 1943 | 1944 | 1945 |

Daylight Saving Time in Other Years

DST changes do not necessarily occur on the same date every year.

YearDST Start (Clock Forward)DST End (Clock Backward)
1925 — 1941DST not observed
1942Monday, February 9, 2:00 amNo DST End
1943 — 1944DST observed all year
1945No DST StartSunday, September 30, 2:00 am
1946 — 1949DST not observed
All times are local for Baker Island.

Detailed time zone and clock changes in Baker Island