Time Difference to USA – Michigan – Lansing

Current time differences between locations around the world...

Time Differences from Lansing to World Cities

Abidjan+5 hoursGuatemala City-1 hourOuagadougou+5 hours
Abu Dhabi+9 hoursGuayaquilsame timePalikir+16 hours
Abuja+6 hoursHagåtña+15 hoursPalma+6 hours
Acapulco-1 hourHalifax+1 hourPanamasame time
Accra+5 hoursHamilton+1 hourPapeete-5 hours
Adak-5 hoursHanoi+12 hoursParamaribo+2 hours
Adamstown-3 hoursHappy Valley-Goose Bay+1 hourParis+6 hours
Addis Ababa+8 hoursHarare+7 hoursPatna+10:30 hours
Adelaide *+15:30 hoursHartfordsame timePensacola-1 hour
Aden+8 hoursHavanasame timePerm+10 hours
Agra+10:30 hoursHelsinki+7 hoursPerth+13 hours
Aguascalientes-1 hourHermosillo-2 hoursPetropavlovsk-Kamchatsky+17 hours
Ahmedgarh+10:30 hoursHo Chi Minh+12 hoursPevek+17 hours
Albuquerque-2 hoursHobart *+16 hoursPhiladelphiasame time
Alertsame timeHong Kong+13 hoursPhnom Penh+12 hours
Algiers+6 hoursHoniara+16 hoursPhoenix-2 hours
Alice Springs+14:30 hoursHonolulu-5 hoursPodgorica+6 hours
Almaty+10 hoursHouston-1 hourPond Inletsame time
Alofi-6 hoursHovd+12 hoursPonta Delgada+4 hours
Amman+8 hoursIndianapolissame timePontianak+12 hours
Amsterdam+6 hoursIndore+10:30 hoursPort-au-Princesame time
Amsterdam Island+10 hoursInuvik-2 hoursPort-aux-Francais+10 hours
Anadyr+17 hoursIrkutsk+13 hoursPort Louis+9 hours
Anchorage-4 hoursIslamabad+10 hoursPort Moresby+15 hours
Andorra La Vella+6 hoursIstanbul+8 hoursPort of Spain+1 hour
Ankara+8 hoursIttoqqortoormiit+3 hoursPort Vila+16 hours
Antananarivo+8 hoursIzhevsk+9 hoursPortland-3 hours
Apia+18 hoursJackson-1 hourPorto Novo+6 hours
Aqtobe+10 hoursJakarta+12 hoursPrague+6 hours
Ashgabat+10 hoursJamestown+5 hoursPraia+4 hours
Asmara+8 hoursJayapura+14 hoursPretoria+7 hours
Astana+10 hoursJerusalem+7 hoursPristina+6 hours
Asuncion+2 hoursJohannesburg+7 hoursProvidencesame time
Athens+7 hoursJuba+7 hoursPune+10:30 hours
Atlantasame timeJuneau-4 hoursPunta Arenas *+2 hours
Auckland *+18 hoursKabul+9:30 hoursPyongyang+14 hours
Augustasame timeKaliningrad+7 hoursQaanaaq+3 hours
Austin-1 hourKampala+8 hoursQuébecsame time
Baghdad+8 hoursKangerlussuaq+3 hoursQuitosame time
Baker Island-7 hoursKansas City-1 hourRabat *+6 hours
Baker Lake-1 hourKarachi+10 hoursRaleighsame time
Baku+9 hoursKathmandu+10:45 hoursRapid City-2 hours
Balikpapan+13 hoursKazan+8 hoursRarotonga-5 hours
Baltimoresame timeKemi+7 hoursRecife+2 hours
Bamako+5 hoursKhartoum+7 hoursRegina-1 hour
Bandar Seri Begawan+13 hoursKhatanga+12 hoursResolute Bay-1 hour
Bandung+12 hoursKigali+7 hoursReykjavik+5 hours
Bangkok+12 hoursKing Edward Point+3 hoursRichmondsame time
Bangui+6 hoursKingstonsame timeRiga+7 hours
Banjul+5 hoursKingstown+1 hourRio Brancosame time
Barcelona+6 hoursKinshasa+6 hoursRio de Janeiro+2 hours
Basse-Terre (Guadeloupe)+1 hourKiritimati+19 hoursRiyadh+8 hours
Basseterre (St. Kitts)+1 hourKnoxvillesame timeRome+6 hours
Beijing+13 hoursKobe+14 hoursRoseau+1 hour
Beirut+7 hoursKolkata+10:30 hoursRovaniemi+7 hours
Belém+2 hoursKomsomolsk-on-Amur+15 hoursSacramento-3 hours
Belfast+5 hoursKrasnoyarsk+12 hoursSaint-Denis+9 hours
Belgrade+6 hoursKuala Lumpur+13 hoursSaint George's+1 hour
Belmopan-1 hourKuujjuaqsame timeSaint John (CA - NB)+1 hour
Belushya Guba+8 hoursKuwait City+8 hoursSaint John's (Antigua)+1 hour
Bengaluru+10:30 hoursKyiv+7 hoursSaint-Petersburg+8 hours
Berlin+6 hoursKyoto+14 hoursSalem-3 hours
Bern+6 hoursLa Paz+1 hourSalt Lake City-2 hours
Bhubaneshwar+10:30 hoursLagos+6 hoursSalvador+2 hours
Billings-2 hoursLahore+10 hoursSamara+9 hours
Bishkek+11 hoursLas Vegas-3 hoursSan Diego-3 hours
Bismarck-1 hourLhasa+13 hoursSan Francisco-3 hours
Bissau+5 hoursLibreville+6 hoursSan Jose (CR)-1 hour
Blanc-Sablon+1 hourLilongwe+7 hoursSan Jose (USA)-3 hours
Bogotasame timeLimasame timeSan Juan+1 hour
Boise-2 hoursLincoln-1 hourSan Marino+6 hours
Bostonsame timeLisbon+5 hoursSan Salvador-1 hour
Brasilia+2 hoursLittle Rock-1 hourSana+8 hours
Bratislava+6 hoursLjubljana+6 hoursSantiago *+2 hours
Brazzaville+6 hoursLomé+5 hoursSanto Domingo+1 hour
Bridgetown+1 hourLondon+5 hoursSão Paulo+2 hours
Brisbane+15 hoursLongyearbyen+6 hoursSão Tomé+5 hours
Brussels+6 hoursLos Angeles-3 hoursSapporo+14 hours
Bucharest+7 hoursLouisvillesame timeSarajevo+6 hours
Budapest+6 hoursLuanda+6 hoursSeattle-3 hours
Buenos Aires+2 hoursLubumbashi+7 hoursSeoul+14 hours
Bujumbura+7 hoursLudhiana+10:30 hoursShanghai+13 hours
Cairns+15 hoursLusaka+7 hoursShenzhen+13 hours
Cairo+7 hoursLuxembourg+6 hoursSingapore+13 hours
Calgary-2 hoursMadison-1 hourSioux Falls-1 hour
Canberra *+16 hoursMadrid+6 hoursSkopje+6 hours
Cancúnsame timeMadurai+10:30 hoursSofia+7 hours
Cape Town+7 hoursMagadan+16 hoursSrednekolymsk+16 hours
Caracas+1 hourMajuro+17 hoursSri Jayawardenepura Kotte+10:30 hours
Cardiff+5 hoursMakassar+13 hoursSt. John's (CA - NF)+1:30 hours
Casablanca *+6 hoursMakkah+8 hoursSt. Louis-1 hour
Castries+1 hourMalabo+6 hoursSt. Paul-1 hour
Cayenne+2 hoursMale+10 hoursStanley+2 hours
Charlestonsame timeManado+13 hoursStockholm+6 hours
Chatham Islands *+18:45 hoursManagua-1 hourSucre+1 hour
Chelyabinsk+10 hoursManama+8 hoursSurabaya+12 hours
Chennai+10:30 hoursManaus+1 hourSurat+10:30 hours
Cheyenne-2 hoursManila+13 hoursSuva+17 hours
Chibougamausame timeManokwari+14 hoursSuzhou+13 hours
Chicago-1 hourMaputo+7 hoursSydney *+16 hours
Chita+14 hoursMarion Island (Prince Edward Islands)+8 hoursTaipei+13 hours
Chișinău+7 hoursMary's Harbour+1:30 hoursTallinn+7 hours
Chongqing+13 hoursMaseru+7 hoursTarawa+17 hours
Colombo+10:30 hoursMazatlan-2 hoursTashkent+10 hours
Columbiasame timeMbabane+7 hoursTbilisi+9 hours
Columbussame timeMedina+8 hoursTegucigalpa-1 hour
Conakry+5 hoursMelbourne *+16 hoursTehran+8:30 hours
Concordsame timeMexicali-3 hoursTel Aviv+7 hours
Copenhagen+6 hoursMexico City-1 hourThimphu+11 hours
Coral Harboursame timeMiamisame timeThiruvananthapuram+10:30 hours
Córdoba+2 hoursMidland-1 hourThule Air Base+1 hour
Dakar+5 hoursMidway-6 hoursTijuana-3 hours
Dallas-1 hourMilan+6 hoursTiksi+14 hours
Damascus+8 hoursMilwaukee-1 hourTimbuktu+5 hours
Danmarkshavn+5 hoursMinneapolis-1 hourTirana+6 hours
Dar es Salaam+8 hoursMinsk+8 hoursTokyo+14 hours
Darwin+14:30 hoursMogadishu+8 hoursTopeka-1 hour
Delhi+10:30 hoursMonaco+6 hoursTorontosame time
Denpasar+13 hoursMonrovia+5 hoursTórshavn+5 hours
Denver-2 hoursMontevideo+2 hoursTripoli+7 hours
Des Moines-1 hourMontgomery-1 hourTromsø+6 hours
Detroitsame timeMontpeliersame timeTunis+6 hours
Dhaka+11 hoursMontréalsame timeUfa+10 hours
Diego Garcia+11 hoursMoroni+8 hoursUlaanbaatar+13 hours
Dili+14 hoursMoscow+8 hoursUnalaska-4 hours
Djibouti+8 hoursMumbai+10:30 hoursÜrümqi+13 hours
Dnipro+7 hoursMurmansk+8 hoursVaduz+6 hours
Dodoma+8 hoursMuscat+9 hoursValletta+6 hours
Doha+8 hoursN'Djamena+6 hoursVancouver-3 hours
Douglas+5 hoursNagoya+14 hoursVaranasi+10:30 hours
Doversame timeNairobi+8 hoursVatican City+6 hours
Dubai+9 hoursNashville-1 hourVeracruz-1 hour
Dublin+5 hoursNassausame timeVerkhoyansk+15 hours
Dushanbe+10 hoursNaypyidaw+11:30 hoursVictoria+9 hours
Easter Island *same timeNew Delhi+10:30 hoursVienna+6 hours
Edinburgh+5 hoursNew Orleans-1 hourVientiane+12 hours
Edmonton-2 hoursNew Yorksame timeVilnius+7 hours
El Aaiún *+6 hoursNewarksame timeVladivostok+15 hours
Eucla+13:45 hoursNgerulmud+14 hoursWake Island+17 hours
Eurekasame timeNiamey+6 hoursWarsaw+6 hours
Fairbanks-4 hoursNicosia+7 hoursWashington DCsame time
Fakaofo+18 hoursNorilsk+12 hoursWellington *+18 hours
Fort-de-France+1 hourNouakchott+5 hoursWhitehorse-2 hours
Fortaleza+2 hoursNoumea+16 hoursWindhoek+7 hours
Frankfurt+6 hoursNovgorod+8 hoursWinnipeg-1 hour
Freetown+5 hoursNovosibirsk+12 hoursYakutsk+14 hours
Funafuti+17 hoursNuku'alofa+18 hoursYamoussoukro+5 hours
Gaborone+7 hoursNusantara+13 hoursYangon+11:30 hours
Galapagos Islands-1 hourNuuk+3 hoursYaoundé+6 hours
Geneva+6 hoursOdesa+7 hoursYaren+17 hours
George Town (Cayman)same timeOklahoma City-1 hourYekaterinburg+10 hours
Georgetown (Guyana)+1 hourOmsk+11 hoursYellowknife-2 hours
Gibraltar+6 hoursOral+10 hoursYerevan+9 hours
Gitega+7 hoursOrlandosame timeYokohama+14 hours
Glasgow+5 hoursOsaka+14 hoursYuzhno-Sakhalinsk+16 hours
Grise Fiordsame timeOslo+6 hoursZagreb+6 hours
Guadalajara-1 hourOttawasame timeZürich+6 hours