Countdown Timer - Event has passed
Event in UTC on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 4:30:00 pm
Converted Time Columbus, OH, USA
11:30 amEST
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Current time: Thu at 10:36:27 pm
Event actions: Count up since Event | Add to Calendar | New Announcement
The Event Time Announcer converts the time of your planned event to local times all over the world for easy sharing and linking.
Event Times in Australia/Pacific | |||||
Adamstown | Wed 8:30 am | Honolulu | Wed 6:30 am | Palikir | Thu 3:30 am |
Adelaide * | Thu 3:00 am | Howland Island | Wed 4:30 am | Palmerston North * | Thu 5:30 am |
Alice Springs | Thu 2:00 am | Johnston Atoll | Wed 6:30 am | Pangai | Thu 5:30 am |
Alofi | Wed 5:30 am | Kanton Island | Thu 5:30 am | Papeete | Wed 6:30 am |
Apia | Thu 5:30 am | Kiama * | Thu 3:30 am | Perth | Thu 12:30 am |
Arawa | Thu 3:30 am | Kingston * | Thu 4:30 am | Port Moresby | Thu 2:30 am |
Atafu | Thu 5:30 am | Kiritimati | Thu 6:30 am | Port Vila | Thu 3:30 am |
Auckland * | Thu 5:30 am | Kolonia | Thu 3:30 am | Rabaul | Thu 2:30 am |
Baker Island | Wed 4:30 am | Koror | Thu 1:30 am | Rarotonga | Wed 6:30 am |
Bantam | Wed 11:00 pm | Kwajalein | Thu 4:30 am | Rawaki | Thu 5:30 am |
Bowral * | Thu 3:30 am | Labasa | Thu 4:30 am | Saipan | Thu 2:30 am |
Brisbane | Thu 2:30 am | Lae | Thu 2:30 am | Salelologa (Savai'i) | Thu 5:30 am |
Buka | Thu 3:30 am | Lautoka | Thu 4:30 am | Suva | Thu 4:30 am |
Cairns | Thu 2:30 am | Levuka | Thu 4:30 am | Sydney * | Thu 3:30 am |
Canberra * | Thu 3:30 am | Lord Howe Island * | Thu 3:30 am | Tabiteuea | Thu 4:30 am |
Chatham Islands * | Thu 6:15 am | Luganville | Thu 3:30 am | Taiohae | Wed 7:00 am |
Christchurch * | Thu 5:30 am | Majuro | Thu 4:30 am | Tarawa | Thu 4:30 am |
Colonia | Thu 2:30 am | Mata-Utu | Thu 4:30 am | Tauranga * | Thu 5:30 am |
Darwin | Thu 2:00 am | Melbourne * | Thu 3:30 am | Tennant Creek | Thu 2:00 am |
Eucla | Thu 1:15 am | Melekeok | Thu 1:30 am | Traralgon * | Thu 3:30 am |
Fakaofo | Thu 5:30 am | Midway | Wed 5:30 am | Vaitape (Bora Bora) | Wed 6:30 am |
Funafuti | Thu 4:30 am | Mount Hagen | Thu 2:30 am | Wailuku | Wed 6:30 am |
Gambier Islands | Wed 7:30 am | Nadi | Thu 4:30 am | Wake Island | Thu 4:30 am |
Gizo | Thu 3:30 am | Neiafu | Thu 5:30 am | Wellington * | Thu 5:30 am |
Hagåtña | Thu 2:30 am | Ngerulmud | Thu 1:30 am | Weno | Thu 2:30 am |
Hilo | Wed 6:30 am | Noumea | Thu 3:30 am | Wollongong * | Thu 3:30 am |
Hobart * | Thu 3:30 am | Nuku'alofa | Thu 5:30 am | Yaren | Thu 4:30 am |
Honiara | Thu 3:30 am | Pago Pago | Wed 5:30 am |
* Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (17 places).
Wed = Wednesday, December 11, 2024 (16 places).
Thu = Thursday, December 12, 2024 (67 places).
UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 16:30:00
UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.
Questions about this event? Please contact the person or organization that created this announcement, not us at
More Information
Related Time Zone Tools
- Event Time Announcer – Show local times worldwide for your event.
- Meeting Planner – The best times for your meeting across time zones