Event Time Announcer - Event has passed
Event in Honolulu on Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 5:00:00 pm
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The Event Time Announcer converts the time of your planned event to local times all over the world for easy sharing and linking.
Event Times in South America | |||
Ambato | Tue 10:00 pm | Maracaibo | Tue 11:00 pm |
Antofagasta | Tue 11:00 pm | Maracay | Tue 11:00 pm |
Arauca | Tue 10:00 pm | Marambio Base | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Arequipa | Tue 10:00 pm | Marigot | Tue 11:00 pm |
Artigas | Wed 12:00 midnight | Maturín | Tue 11:00 pm |
Asuncion | Tue 11:00 pm | Medellin | Tue 10:00 pm |
Balsas | Wed 12:00 midnight | Melo | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Barquisimeto | Tue 11:00 pm | Mendoza | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Barra do Garças | Wed 12:00 midnight | Mercedes | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Barranquilla | Tue 10:00 pm | Minas | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Belém | Wed 12:00 midnight | Mitú | Tue 10:00 pm |
Belo Horizonte | Wed 12:00 midnight | Montería | Tue 10:00 pm |
Boa Vista | Tue 11:00 pm | Montevideo | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Bogota | Tue 10:00 pm | Natal | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Brasilia | Wed 12:00 midnight | Neuquén | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Bucaramanga | Tue 10:00 pm | New Amsterdam | Tue 11:00 pm |
Buenos Aires | Wed 12:00 midnight | Nieuw Nickerie | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Cali | Tue 10:00 pm | Niterói | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Callao | Tue 10:00 pm | Paramaribo | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Campinas | Wed 12:00 midnight | Paysandú | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Canelones | Wed 12:00 midnight | Pedro Juan Caballero | Tue 11:00 pm |
Caracas | Tue 11:00 pm | Pereira | Tue 10:00 pm |
Carlini Base | Wed 12:00 midnight | Petrópolis | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Cartagena | Tue 10:00 pm | Philipsburg | Tue 11:00 pm |
Cayenne | Wed 12:00 midnight | Pirassununga | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Chaguanas | Tue 11:00 pm | Popayán | Tue 10:00 pm |
Chankillo | Tue 10:00 pm | Port of Spain | Tue 11:00 pm |
Ciudad Bolívar | Tue 11:00 pm | Porto Alegre | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Ciudad del Este | Tue 11:00 pm | Porto Velho | Tue 11:00 pm |
Ciudad Guayana | Tue 11:00 pm | Portoviejo | Tue 10:00 pm |
Cobija | Tue 11:00 pm | Puerto Ayacucho | Tue 11:00 pm |
Cochabamba | Tue 11:00 pm | Punta Arenas * | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Colonia del Sacramento | Wed 12:00 midnight | Puyo | Tue 10:00 pm |
Córdoba | Wed 12:00 midnight | Quito | Tue 10:00 pm |
Criciúma | Wed 12:00 midnight | Rawson | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Cúcuta | Tue 10:00 pm | Recife | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Cuenca | Tue 10:00 pm | Riberalta | Tue 11:00 pm |
Curitiba | Wed 12:00 midnight | Rio Branco | Tue 10:00 pm |
Durazno | Wed 12:00 midnight | Rio de Janeiro | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Easter Island | Tue 9:00 pm | Rivera | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Encarnación | Tue 11:00 pm | Rocha | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Esmeraldas | Tue 10:00 pm | Rosario | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Esperanza Base | Wed 12:00 midnight | Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Fernando de Noronha | Wed 1:00 am | Salta | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Florencia | Tue 10:00 pm | Salto | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Florida | Wed 12:00 midnight | Salvador | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Fortaleza | Wed 12:00 midnight | San Fernando | Tue 11:00 pm |
Foz do Iguaçu | Wed 12:00 midnight | San Fernando de Apure | Tue 11:00 pm |
Fray Bentos | Wed 12:00 midnight | San Ignacio de Velasco | Tue 11:00 pm |
Fuerte Olimpo | Tue 11:00 pm | San José de Mayo | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Galapagos Islands | Tue 9:00 pm | Santa Cruz | Tue 11:00 pm |
Georgetown | Tue 11:00 pm | Santa Fe | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Goiânia | Wed 12:00 midnight | Santarém | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Gualeguaychú | Wed 12:00 midnight | Santiago | Tue 11:00 pm |
Guarulhos | Wed 12:00 midnight | Santo Domingo | Tue 10:00 pm |
Guayaquil | Tue 10:00 pm | Santos | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Gustavia | Tue 11:00 pm | São Félix do Xingu | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Ibarra | Tue 10:00 pm | São Paulo | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Imperatriz | Wed 12:00 midnight | Scarborough | Tue 11:00 pm |
Inírida | Tue 10:00 pm | Sincelejo | Tue 10:00 pm |
Iquitos | Tue 10:00 pm | Stanley | Wed 12:00 midnight |
La Paz | Tue 11:00 pm | Sucre | Tue 11:00 pm |
La Plata | Wed 12:00 midnight | Tacuarembó | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Lima | Tue 10:00 pm | Tandil | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Linden | Tue 11:00 pm | Trinidad | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Loja | Tue 10:00 pm | Trujillo | Tue 10:00 pm |
Maceió | Wed 12:00 midnight | Tucumán | Wed 12:00 midnight |
Machu Picchu Pueblo | Tue 10:00 pm | Valencia | Tue 11:00 pm |
Maldonado | Wed 12:00 midnight | Valparaíso | Tue 11:00 pm |
Manaus | Tue 11:00 pm | Villavicencio | Tue 10:00 pm |
Manizales | Tue 10:00 pm | Viña del Mar | Tue 11:00 pm |
Mar del Plata | Wed 12:00 midnight | Vitória | Wed 12:00 midnight |
* Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (1 place).
Tue = Tuesday, April 18, 2023 (76 places).
Wed = Wednesday, April 19, 2023 (68 places).
UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at 03:00:00
UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.
Great Britain/United Kingdom is one hour ahead of UTC during summer.
Questions about this event? Please contact the person or organization that created this announcement, not us at timeanddate.com.
More Information
Related Time Zone Tools
- Event Time Announcer – Show local times worldwide for your event.
- Meeting Planner – The best times for your meeting across time zones