Flag for Laos

Sunrise and Sunset in Laos

Moon: 17.0%
Waxing Crescent
Country: Laos
Long Name: Lao People's Democratic Republic
Abbreviations: LA, LAO
Capital: Vientiane
Time Zones: 1
Dial Code: +856

↑ Sunrise and ↓ Sunset in Laos (5 Locations)

Luang Prabang↑ 5:31 am↓ 6:50 pmSavannakhet↑ 5:27 am↓ 6:33 pmXam Neua↑ 5:22 am↓ 6:43 pm
Pakse↑ 5:26 am↓ 6:26 pmVientiane↑ 5:33 am↓ 6:44 pm