6:51 am – 5:07 pm
10 hours, 16 minutes
Current Time: | Dec 4, 2024 at 7:35:20 pm |
Sun Direction: | ↑ 261° West |
Sun Altitude: | -31.1° |
Sun Distance: | 91.612 million mi |
Next Solstice: | Dec 21, 2024 2:20 pm (Winter) |
Sunrise Today: | 6:51 am↑ 116° Southeast |
Sunset Today: | 5:07 pm↑ 244° Southwest |
2024 Sun Graph for Chak Seven Hundred Thirty-eight Gogera Branch
December 2024 — Sun in Chak Seven Hundred Thirty-eight Gogera Branch
2024 | Sunrise/Sunset | Daylength | Astronomical Twilight | Nautical Twilight | Civil Twilight | Solar Noon | ||||||
Dec | Sunrise | Sunset | Length | Diff. | Start | End | Start | End | Start | End | Time | Mil. mi |
1 | 6:49 am ↑ (115°) | 5:07 pm ↑ (245°) | 10:18:34 | −0:51 | 5:23 am | 6:32 pm | 5:53 am | 6:03 pm | 6:22 am | 5:33 pm | 11:58 am (37.5°) | 91.661 |
2 | 6:49 am ↑ (115°) | 5:07 pm ↑ (245°) | 10:17:45 | −0:49 | 5:24 am | 6:32 pm | 5:53 am | 6:03 pm | 6:23 am | 5:33 pm | 11:58 am (37.3°) | 91.646 |
3 | 6:50 am ↑ (115°) | 5:07 pm ↑ (244°) | 10:16:58 | −0:47 | 5:25 am | 6:32 pm | 5:54 am | 6:03 pm | 6:24 am | 5:33 pm | 11:59 am (37.2°) | 91.631 |
4 | 6:51 am ↑ (116°) | 5:07 pm ↑ (244°) | 10:16:13 | −0:44 | 5:26 am | 6:32 pm | 5:55 am | 6:03 pm | 6:25 am | 5:33 pm | 11:59 am (37.1°) | 91.617 |
5 | 6:52 am ↑ (116°) | 5:07 pm ↑ (244°) | 10:15:30 | −0:42 | 5:26 am | 6:33 pm | 5:55 am | 6:03 pm | 6:25 am | 5:34 pm | 11:59 am (36.9°) | 91.603 |
6 | 6:52 am ↑ (116°) | 5:07 pm ↑ (244°) | 10:14:50 | −0:40 | 5:27 am | 6:33 pm | 5:56 am | 6:04 pm | 6:26 am | 5:34 pm | 12:00 pm (36.8°) | 91.590 |
7 | 6:53 am ↑ (116°) | 5:07 pm ↑ (244°) | 10:14:12 | −0:37 | 5:28 am | 6:33 pm | 5:57 am | 6:04 pm | 6:27 am | 5:34 pm | 12:00 pm (36.7°) | 91.577 |
8 | 6:54 am ↑ (116°) | 5:08 pm ↑ (244°) | 10:13:37 | −0:35 | 5:28 am | 6:33 pm | 5:58 am | 6:04 pm | 6:28 am | 5:34 pm | 12:01 pm (36.6°) | 91.564 |
9 | 6:55 am ↑ (116°) | 5:08 pm ↑ (244°) | 10:13:04 | −0:32 | 5:29 am | 6:33 pm | 5:58 am | 6:04 pm | 6:28 am | 5:34 pm | 12:01 pm (36.5°) | 91.551 |
10 | 6:55 am ↑ (116°) | 5:08 pm ↑ (244°) | 10:12:34 | −0:30 | 5:30 am | 6:34 pm | 5:59 am | 6:04 pm | 6:29 am | 5:34 pm | 12:02 pm (36.4°) | 91.539 |
11 | 6:56 am ↑ (116°) | 5:08 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:12:06 | −0:27 | 5:30 am | 6:34 pm | 6:00 am | 6:05 pm | 6:30 am | 5:35 pm | 12:02 pm (36.3°) | 91.528 |
12 | 6:57 am ↑ (117°) | 5:08 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:11:40 | −0:25 | 5:31 am | 6:34 pm | 6:00 am | 6:05 pm | 6:30 am | 5:35 pm | 12:03 pm (36.3°) | 91.517 |
13 | 6:57 am ↑ (117°) | 5:09 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:11:18 | −0:22 | 5:31 am | 6:35 pm | 6:01 am | 6:05 pm | 6:31 am | 5:35 pm | 12:03 pm (36.2°) | 91.507 |
14 | 6:58 am ↑ (117°) | 5:09 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:10:57 | −0:20 | 5:32 am | 6:35 pm | 6:01 am | 6:06 pm | 6:32 am | 5:36 pm | 12:04 pm (36.1°) | 91.497 |
15 | 6:59 am ↑ (117°) | 5:09 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:10:40 | −0:17 | 5:33 am | 6:35 pm | 6:02 am | 6:06 pm | 6:32 am | 5:36 pm | 12:04 pm (36.1°) | 91.488 |
16 | 6:59 am ↑ (117°) | 5:10 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:10:25 | −0:14 | 5:33 am | 6:36 pm | 6:03 am | 6:06 pm | 6:33 am | 5:36 pm | 12:05 pm (36.0°) | 91.479 |
17 | 7:00 am ↑ (117°) | 5:10 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:10:13 | −0:12 | 5:34 am | 6:36 pm | 6:03 am | 6:07 pm | 6:33 am | 5:37 pm | 12:05 pm (36.0°) | 91.471 |
18 | 7:00 am ↑ (117°) | 5:11 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:10:03 | −0:09 | 5:34 am | 6:37 pm | 6:04 am | 6:07 pm | 6:34 am | 5:37 pm | 12:05 pm (36.0°) | 91.463 |
19 | 7:01 am ↑ (117°) | 5:11 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:09:56 | −0:06 | 5:35 am | 6:37 pm | 6:04 am | 6:08 pm | 6:34 am | 5:38 pm | 12:06 pm (35.9°) | 91.456 |
20 | 7:02 am ↑ (117°) | 5:11 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:09:52 | −0:04 | 5:35 am | 6:38 pm | 6:05 am | 6:08 pm | 6:35 am | 5:38 pm | 12:06 pm (35.9°) | 91.450 |
21 | 7:02 am ↑ (117°) | 5:12 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:09:50 | −0:01 | 5:36 am | 6:38 pm | 6:05 am | 6:09 pm | 6:35 am | 5:38 pm | 12:07 pm (35.9°) | 91.444 |
22 | 7:03 am ↑ (117°) | 5:12 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:09:52 | +0:01 | 5:36 am | 6:39 pm | 6:06 am | 6:09 pm | 6:36 am | 5:39 pm | 12:07 pm (35.9°) | 91.439 |
23 | 7:03 am ↑ (117°) | 5:13 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:09:55 | +0:03 | 5:37 am | 6:39 pm | 6:06 am | 6:10 pm | 6:36 am | 5:40 pm | 12:08 pm (35.9°) | 91.434 |
24 | 7:03 am ↑ (117°) | 5:14 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:10:02 | +0:06 | 5:37 am | 6:40 pm | 6:07 am | 6:10 pm | 6:37 am | 5:40 pm | 12:08 pm (36.0°) | 91.429 |
25 | 7:04 am ↑ (117°) | 5:14 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:10:11 | +0:09 | 5:38 am | 6:40 pm | 6:07 am | 6:11 pm | 6:37 am | 5:41 pm | 12:09 pm (36.0°) | 91.425 |
26 | 7:04 am ↑ (117°) | 5:15 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:10:23 | +0:11 | 5:38 am | 6:41 pm | 6:08 am | 6:11 pm | 6:38 am | 5:41 pm | 12:09 pm (36.0°) | 91.422 |
27 | 7:05 am ↑ (117°) | 5:15 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:10:37 | +0:14 | 5:39 am | 6:41 pm | 6:08 am | 6:12 pm | 6:38 am | 5:42 pm | 12:10 pm (36.1°) | 91.418 |
28 | 7:05 am ↑ (117°) | 5:16 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:10:55 | +0:17 | 5:39 am | 6:42 pm | 6:08 am | 6:13 pm | 6:38 am | 5:42 pm | 12:10 pm (36.1°) | 91.416 |
29 | 7:05 am ↑ (117°) | 5:17 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:11:14 | +0:19 | 5:39 am | 6:43 pm | 6:09 am | 6:13 pm | 6:39 am | 5:43 pm | 12:11 pm (36.2°) | 91.413 |
30 | 7:06 am ↑ (117°) | 5:17 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:11:37 | +0:22 | 5:40 am | 6:43 pm | 6:09 am | 6:14 pm | 6:39 am | 5:44 pm | 12:11 pm (36.2°) | 91.411 |
31 | 7:06 am ↑ (117°) | 5:18 pm ↑ (243°) | 10:12:02 | +0:25 | 5:40 am | 6:44 pm | 6:09 am | 6:14 pm | 6:39 am | 5:44 pm | 12:12 pm (36.3°) | 91.409 |
* All times are local time for Chak Seven Hundred Thirty-eight Gogera Branch. They take into account refraction. Dates are based on the Gregorian calendar. Today is highlighted. |
The December solstice (winter solstice) in Chak Seven Hundred Thirty-eight Gogera Branch is at 2:20 pm on Saturday, December 21, 2024. In terms of daylight, this day is 3 hours, 58 minutes shorter than the June solstice. In most locations north of the equator, the shortest day of the year is around this date.
The earliest sunset is on December 2 or December 3.
Why is the earliest sunset not on the winter solstice?
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec
Sun and Moon times today for Chak Seven Hundred Thirty-eight Gogera Branch
Moonrise and moonset times for Chak Seven Hundred Thirty-eight Gogera Branch
Phases of the Moon for Chak Seven Hundred Thirty-eight Gogera Branch
What is twilight, dawn, and dusk?
What is solar noon?
Directions based on true north