79 °F
Passing clouds.
Feels Like: 81 °F
Forecast: 78 / 71 °F
Wind: 17 mph ↑ from Northeast
Location: | Lihue Lihue Airport |
Current Time: | Mar 4, 2025 at 8:00:24 pm |
Latest Report: | Mar 4, 2025 at 4:53 pm |
Visibility: | 10 mi |
Pressure: | 30.20 "Hg |
Humidity: | 69% |
Dew Point: | 68 °F |
Upcoming 5 hours
Forecast for the next 48 hours
Scroll right to see more
Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | |||||
Evening | Night | Morning | Afternoon | Evening | Night | Morning | |
Forecast | |||||||
Temperature | 73 °F | 72 °F | 74 °F | 76 °F | 72 °F | 72 °F | 72 °F |
Passing showers. Mostly cloudy. | Passing showers. Overcast. | Passing showers. Mostly cloudy. | Passing showers. Broken clouds. | Passing showers. Mostly cloudy. | Passing showers. Partly cloudy. | Rain showers. Mostly cloudy. | |
Feels Like | 73 °F | 69 °F | 75 °F | 78 °F | 71 °F | 71 °F | 71 °F |
Wind Speed | 17 mph | 17 mph | 17 mph | 17 mph | 14 mph | 13 mph | 14 mph |
Wind Direction | NE ↑ | ENE ↑ | ENE ↑ | ENE ↑ | ENE ↑ | ENE ↑ | ENE ↑ |
Humidity | 82% | 89% | 78% | 76% | 86% | 85% | 85% |
Dew Point | 67 °F | 68 °F | 67 °F | 68 °F | 68 °F | 67 °F | 68 °F |
Visibility | 6 mi | 5 mi | 7 mi | 7 mi | 5 mi | 5 mi | 4 mi |
Probability of Precipitation | 27% | 44% | 34% | 37% | 41% | 34% | 32% |
Amount of Rain | 0.02" | 0.07" | 0.04" | 0.06" | 0.09" | 0.09" | 0.18" |
* Updated Tuesday, March 4, 2025 3:42:55 pm Lihue time - Weather by CustomWeather, © 2025 |
14 day forecast, day-by-dayHour-by-hour forecast for next week
Yesterday's weather
Passing clouds. 81 / 69 °F
Humidity: 76%. Wind: 14 mph ↑ from Northeast
Currently at nearby stations
Kekaha - Pacific Missile Test Facility Barking Sands: (27 mi)
Clear. (1 hour ago)
Wheeler Air Force Base / Oahu: (91 mi)
Light rain. Low clouds.
Kalaeloa Airport: (95 mi)
Passing clouds. (1 hour ago)
Forecast for the next 2 weeks
Scroll right to see more
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 78 / 71 °F | 6 77 / 70 °F | 7 77 / 69 °F | 8 75 / 69 °F |
9 73 / 68 °F | 10 76 / 67 °F | 11 74 / 67 °F | 12 74 / 67 °F | 13 75 / 70 °F | 14 75 / 69 °F | 15 75 / 69 °F |
16 76 / 69 °F | 17 76 / 69 °F | 18 76 / 69 °F | 19 77 / 69 °F | 20 | 21 | 22 |