5:26:07 pm Friday, December 27, 2024Fullscreen State: MizoramCountry: IndiaTime Zones: 1 Time Zone in MizoramTime in IndiaCurrent Local Time in Locations in Mizoram with Links for More Information (2 Locations)AizawlFri 5:26 pmTuipangFri 5:26 pmPopup WindowFullscreenExitMizoram5:2607pmFriday, December 27, 2024Need some help?Tools & ConvertersMeeting Planner for AizawlTime Zone Converter for AizawlEvent Time Announcer for AizawlTime difference between Aizawl and other locationsDistance calculator to/from AizawlDisplay a free clock for Aizawl on your website or blogCalendar & HolidaysCreate India calendarUpcoming HolidaysJan 1 - New Year's DayJan 6 - Guru Govind Singh JayantiJan 14 - PongalMore Holidays in IndiaAirportsLengpui Airport, AJLAbout 9 mi NW of AizawlShahjalal International Airport, DAC (Bangladesh)About 147 mi W of Aizawl